Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Shoes" & A Cute Picture

It has been awile since I added a shoe picture - here are some cute ones. The blue socks are cousin Grant.

And a "cute picture" - this is 5 Months (and one day).

Hairy Legs

While I was one the phone with my mom this afternoon my daughter did something hilarious! We were sitting on the floor and she was touching my unshaven legs -- then she laughed. It is her "fake laugh" but still a laugh. Then she kept doing it. So I pulled out the camera - she still did it for the camera so it must feel really funny. I am putting my pride to the side in order to share with you a funny moment. Please don't think I never shave my legs. But if I were bad at shaving, I would have a new excuse - it brings humor into my daughter life. They say laughter is the best medicine...good enough excuse?

Genius Child

Yes, she does everything we tell her to do. Even 2 legs or one for jumping, stop crying when we say to, go to sleep whenever we ask and everything else you can think of. HAHAHAHHA, what I am not sharing is the video where Ryan continues to ask her to jump and she does nothing but stare at him. Just a humorous note on why we should not be too quick to brag about their abilities, they will choose that moment to do nothing but stare at you like you are crazy. For the record when I was playing this video with the sound up she was jumping when Ryan said "jump jump" in the video :). But that is because not a soul but myself is around to witness it.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Public Announcement

Okay, so it is nothing that big but I read this quote in my cookbook and it really hit home today.

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow

For babies grow up we've learned our sorrow

So quiet down, cobwebs...dust go to sleep

I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cadence really is not excited or scared in this picture. She was yelling - that is what she does. She is a vocal little gal -- no snickering here -- we know she most likely takes after me since Ryan is a little more laid back. Okay, a lot more laid back than me.
Cadence's second (of three) platlet checks came back in the normal range *so did the first follow up test* so we are very thankful for that. If all is well at the next check we don't have to go in anymore for blood work.
I started my Christmas shopping. I figure that way I can really enjoy the holiday and not worry about what I have not done yet. I will leave some shopping for the later in the season - that is always fun.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Everyday Life

Sorry, this video is so dark -- I will do better next time. This video is for the Tammany clan down in AZ. I just wanted them to get a peek into life up here. These are all the cousins from Missouri. We miss them! I have recently been told (by Ryan) that all I post is videos -- I will try to get back into to regular blogging :).