Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Visiting Dad

Picture Catch Up

Here are a few pictures from the last week. Also there are pictures of our house that was started today!! The foundation was dug out (is that correct grammar...???) and the driveway was put in place. I am sure there will be more pictures to come!!

More From the Parenting Session

These are too funny not to share!!
"Definition Makeovers for Mothers of Preschoolers"

Birth Control: play group at your house with six of your friends and all of their kids.

Birthmark: those annoyances that mark the fact that you have given birth (sagging and / or loss of breasts, varicose veins, stretch marks and failure to remember anything).

Birth Weight: what the scale registered before you had children, which your scale may never see again.

Diaper Wipes: wet, soapy cloths used for cleaning counter tops, dusting furniture, wiping down the inside of cars and making dirty sneakers clean (do not use of mirrors or windows).

Hotel: foreign word, definition unknown.

Night Waking: a symptom that develops in every mother from the first moment you step into your home with a newborn and usually ends once the child moves out of your house.

Quiet Time: the moment of time you realize that your toddlers have been quiet too long and you then discover they have been up to no good (sticking feminine pads all of the bathroom walls and cupboards or attempting to apply mascara to the baby).

Romance: falling asleep on the couch with your husband while watching a rented movie and sharing a bowl of popcorn (usually around 8:30 p.m.).

Rotting Reflex: when the dark hair roots on your head begin appearing more quickly than you remember and have taken on a much grayer tone.

Soft Spot: eyeing you pillow with wishful thinking at 3 p.m.

Time Out: girls' night, frosted brownies, blogs, cheese fries, lattes, date nights, shopping, magazines, Mops, and anything else that helps your brain refocus.

I thought these were too cute not to share, thanks Kirsten!

Originally from Christianity (Jan/Feb 2006)

Parent's Prayer

At the ladies retreat with church I had a wonderful breakout session on purposeful parenting given by my friend Kirsten. Here are a few things that I learned and / or really liked.

Parent's Prayers
from Parenting with Kingdom Purpose

Day 1 - Salvation (Isa 45:8)
Day 2 - Growth in Grace (2 Pt. 3:18)
Day 4 - Honesty and Integrity (Ps. 25:25)
Day 5 - Self Control (1 Thess. 5:6)
Day 6 - A Love of God's Word (Ps. 19:10)
Day 7 - Justice (Mic. 6:8)
Day 8 - Mercy (Luke 6:36)
Day 9 - Respect (1 Pt.2:17)
Day 10 - Strong Biblical Self-esteem (Eph. 2:10)
Day 11 - Faithfulness (Prov. 3:3)
Day 12 - A Passion for God (Ps. 63:8)
Day 13 - Responsibility (Gal. 6:5)
Day 14 - Kindness (1 Thess. 5:15)
Day 15 - Generosity (1 Tim. 6:18-19)
Day 16 - Peace, Peaceability (Rom. 14:19)
Day 17 - Hope (Rome 15:13)
Day 18 - Perseverance (Heb. 12:1)
Day 19 - Humility (Titus 3:2)
Day 20 - Compassion (Col. 3:12)
Day 21 - Prayerfulness (Eph. 6:18)
Day 22 - Contentment (Phil. 4:12-13)
Day 23 - Faith (Luke 17:5-6; Heb. 11:1-40)
Day 24 - A Servant Heart (Eph. 6:7)
Day 25 - Purity (Ps. 51:10)
Day 26 - Willingness and Ability to Work Hard (Col. 3:23)
Day 27 - Self-discipline (Prov. 1:3)
Day 28 - Heart for Missions (Ps. 96:3)
Day 29 - Joy (1 Thess. 1:6)
Day 30 - Courage (Deut. 31:6)
The book left off a Day 31 so I grabbed this one from another similar list -
Day 31 - Enlightened Hearts (Eph. 1:18)

Of course this list would be / could be different depending on what you believe God wants for your child but wouldn't it be a great habit to pray that our children would have Christ-likeness every day of the month?!

More to come in a different post - this one got pretty long!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Camera Found

But I have yet to take any new pictures. I am just writing to say that I haven't written in a while. I have decided that this fall is going to be great. HAHAHAHA do you like the attempt at directing my life attitude? The weather is turning into a wonderful blend of summer and early fall, the evenings are getting more cozy (read: shorter thus we stay inside earlier) and I can almost taste JEAN season. On a side note - jean season is a good thing because I just discovered a hole in my capris that I wear all the time - in the crotch to boot! Also I started up B.SF again - wahoo and regular time with ladies who love the Lord! We are studying John, which I have never done before.

So in light of the coming fall I have made some fall resolutions:

Evening walks
Some sort of date night with Ryan once a week (preferably not costing money - since we might start building our house as early as the end of this month)
No more pop! (I slip in and out of this one but I need to get rid of it out of my life)
Cook more at home (this seems to directly coincide with how much pop I drink - no restaurants = no pop, hmmmm)

I think I will stop there - I need to leave something for December 31st.

I am going to go play with Cadence now. She just got up and is in a very festive mood.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lost Camera

We lost the camera momentarily so don't expect any really cute pictures on this post. I wanted to post another funny or not so funny random thoughts post.
Here goes:

Things I should do more often but do not:

Clip my baby's nails
Stop what I am doing and snuggle with Cadence
Go to bed about 10pm
Go camping
Clean the toilets
Clean the kitchen floor
Bake homemade chocolate cookies
Write an encouraging note to a friend
Study the Bible

Things I do alot but should do less of:
Anything online
Try to plan the future
Be grumpy
and there are more but I am not a tell-ALL kind of girl just a tell-some girl.