I guess it has been a while since I did an update. At least you knew I had the baby... Things are going well here. Makenna is a rock star sleeper - 4 to7 hours at night, usually more toward the 7 hour mark. She is gaining weight but I don't know how much she weighs right now. Her hair is still dark brown but there is a auburn cast to the new hair and her eyebrows are strawberry blond - we will just have to wait and see. Makenna's eye color is still blue/gray. Cadence's had already turned brown by this point so again we will just have to see what happens. OH YEAH! I almost forgot she started smiling a few times a day last week!! And then started occasionally cooing this week - she is advance people :). Cadence does really well with her - well she LOVES to touch and "talk" (usually closer to a yell - what can I say she is an enthusiastic girl) to her. She gets me diapers and blankets and occasionally put in the paci. We still have to watch her and make sure she doesn't squish her - out of love of course.
We are going into fall weather now and don't expect to be in the high 80's anymore - which is nice because just last week the weather was 90!! We will hopefully be getting outside a bunch and burning energy. We are also excited because fall means we get to go to Iowa for my brother and his fiance's wedding!!! It will be a fun week and I cannot wait to enjoy a wedding without the pressure or stress of being the bride :). Then at the end of October will be in Branson with Ryan's family celebrating Doug and Bonnie's 40 wedding anniversary!! It will be a family packed fall and it will be great!