Monday, September 1, 2008

Just some of the lovely people who loved on Cadence this last week


John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

What a sweet idea for a post.

I can't believe how big she is getting! What a doll! I'm sure you're just lovin' every minute:)

I've been out of blogger-land for a while, so it's been fun catching up with your life!

To answer your question, yes, Min Young goes to church with us. We'll have her start going to youth group in the next few weeks. We're trying not to totally overwhelm her with our huge American churches;)

Gabbin' with Giff said...

Hey lady!! I miss you!! I have New Orleans evacuees in town. :) Thankfully they didn't get hit as hard. Trev thinks they might start letting people back towards the end of this week. We really do need to plan a trip. I was contemplating coming up there one weekend before Sean gets back, BUT I don't know when he will be back! Anyway...we'll talk. Put that kid in a shoebox so she doesn't get any bigger before I get to see her! ha! Kidding of course, please don't do it. Talk to you soon!

Heth said...

Oh my gosh, I love that last picture so much.

Heth said...

Oh, and I have photos for you, I'm just not very organized. Email me your mailing address and I'll get a CD off to you.