Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Clapping / "Crawling"

Hahaha, you thought she was actually crawling , yeah right - and I bet you think she has teeth too! You guys are so funny.


Anonymous said...

i just had to laugh when she rolled over. she knows what's up. why crawl when you can get carried everywhere for just a little longer. :)

Anonymous said...

Now I know Cadence's voice has a "presence." I was listening to this at work with headphones on--someone looked up from his computer and asked me what in the world I was listening to! (He did say it was okay since it was my granddaughter.) But it was worth it to see her roll over, talk, and clap her hands.

Anonymous said...

Do you know that if you run the video backwards, Cadence is actually rolling to her stomach and getting up on her hands and knees!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute!!!!! She is just a little dolly. Wish I could see more of her. But keep posting the video and all the photos, it's so fun to watch here change.

Anonymous said...

Love to watch the video! Sound helps take me there. She is just like her mom...always wanting to go!