Saturday, November 14, 2009

Spiritual Insight

We bought recycled concrete for our lane instead of gravel - it is about half the price but you have to pull out some old contruction stuff (metal mesh, pvc pipe parts and in our case a 1/4 of a tattered pair of pants...wonder where the rest is...)

As I was scouring the piles for this refuse a thought came into my mind. It must have been from the Holy Spirit - because I am not this profound on my own. I realized that my life is much like this pile of crushed concrete. God has to sometimes break us up to make us something useful to Him, and just like the concrete I have different purposes at different times in my life. And even after I have been through a little "crushing" or the Refiner's fire if you will, He still has to go back through the pile and pull out all the "junk" that is left over (bad attitude, pride, self-love etc). Even though to most it might seem that the gravel is good to go and ready to be used - one has to go over and over the pile to make sure it is a pure and clean before it can be used for its new purpose. And I would guess that even after months or maybe years we will occasionally find a piece of dangerous debris that needs to be removed to protect our child or car tires from damage. And this to is what God does as we mature. His continual care to clean up our life and attitudes is really an act of care for ourselves and others so we further fit His purpose and don't hurt others along the way.

I love it when God reveals wonder from the mundane.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done...Cadence is in good hands when she is ready to listen. Do you speak anywhere on Sunday mornings??? xoxoxox DAD

Tiffany said...

hahaha, i am really good at talking but i dont think that i am called to preach - for a few reasons...:) but thanks for the kind words.

Anonymous said...

Very well said, the Holy Spirit has given you great insight. Thanks so much for sharing it. Jan Todd