Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Yes Me Wednesday

Since I missed my "Not Me Monday" post - here is Yes Me Wednesdays.

1) Yes, I ate better food at the hospital than I cook for my family at home. They had a cheese and fruit plate that was great!!

2) Yes, I held and rocked my daughter to sleep even more than normal the last 4 days. I am not sure if I will ever let her cry to sleep...

3) Yes, after this weekend I believe even more in the sanctity of life than ever before.

4) Yes, I understand my parents and everything they have gone through with my brother just a little bit more.

5) Yes, I understand the sacrifice that God had to made in order to send His only Son to die on this earth - knowing they would torture and reject and kill Him - all the better after this weekend.

6) Yes, I love my husband more after our ordeal.

7) Yes, on some small scale level, I love my bed, shower and home a little bit more too. Home really is a safe place and it is great to be here.

1 comment:

Heth said...

What a lot of things to learn in one experience. Amazing. God did some awesome things through some scary circumstances.

Love you guys!