Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Thoughts

Our desktop computer is out of commission right now - so this is my lame excuse for not blogging much. Most of the pictures are on that computer.

But I can give a typed update on life in our home. Ryan finishes his final clinical for Paramedic school on the 20th and that is super exciting!! He has been in school since last September. After school he will have to take a big test and then - no more school! Cadence can sit up by herself now, still no teeth, no crawling but she does like to talk and scream. Really no updates for me, I am just trying to keep up with the house. The dogs are tiring of this little house. They need to run and get out but since it is winter we don't even get to walk them very often. Hopefully, they will be happy in the spring.

On a random note, someone stole our trash can. The other day it was really windy and they blew off our curb. Ryan found one but the other is "gone". My sneaky plan is to go looking on the next trash day, it shouldn't be hard to find since it has our last name plastered on the side in perm ant marker...


Anonymous said...

cabin fever is kicking in for me too. i don't work tonight, so i will try to get those pics from christmas to you. there are some really good ones of cadence opening her presents. hopefully. as long as the washer and dryer doesn't eat me. i hate laundry.

Anonymous said...

oops, mr. fogle would get me for that. change the "doesn't" to "don't" and i'm good. ;)