We have had quite a week - Cadence's first walk (which she slept through), Uncle Matt (and Grandma) came down to visit, Cadence tried on my going home outfit (I am thankful for cotton, polyester does not BREATH she was sweating within 10 mins of wearing it), and Great-Grandma and Great-Grandad came down for a visit. She is their first Great Grandbaby. :) They are thrilled if you can't gather that from the picture.
Going to the hospital -- her cute faux-hawk and bow from the nursery workers -- then her going home outfit that her daddy picked out. He is the best! Ryan was the awesome during labor. We did a lot of "dancing" and walking and birthing ball and breathing and and and. Poor guy hardly got to sit down. Though he did get a shake and chix sandwich somewhere between 3 and 4 centimeters. Which I must say was unfair and smelled delicious. He barely had time to sit during any of the Pitocin time, I kept him pretty busy- I really think those first few days he was as exhausted as I was. He did sit in between contractions during the pushing phase. Ryan said he was hoping that I didn't notice -- I did. :) I suppose when it is all over and you stare in the face of your little blessing that it is all worth it - all of it.
Anyone thing these two look a little bit related? Cadence on the right and cousin Lauren on the left. :) This is fitting becuase Cadence was born on Lauren's mom's bday!
Hey everyone, Tif is making me put some pics up of our little girl so you all can have a look. I don't care what you guys think but we think she is the cutest baby ever. I will say that I have never been apart of something so amazing. The labor was not much fun especially since Tif had to use Pitocin and didn't have an epidural so we, mostly Tif, suffered through several hours of labor. It was exhausting but when she was finally born at 5:42 in the morning I could not have been more proud of Tif. I will write more later but in the mean time here are some more pics.
Cadence Jayne 19" long and weghing in at 8 lbs and 1 oz
Here is a sampling of some pictures from yesterday. My in-laws move here to enjoy grandkids and family and they are working in my house! We appriciate it and hopefully soon they will have one more grandbaby to come down the street and see and not just come here and work :). Doug was actually cutting up watermelon - Bonnie was hanging pictures. In case you all are wondering we now have big cat prints in our living room (you will have to come visit to see the tiger print...). The curtains are on loan from Bonnie (they are beautiful) and the clock on the wall above the couch was my Christmas present from them!!
You all have already met our dogs - the little dog is Zeno - he is Bonnie's teacup Yorkie. He loves the ladies - all 2.5 lbs. of him. He is the sweetest little dog even if he does have a squirting problem (our dogs) and must be constantly watched (thanks for the heads up Amy!). Hey, can anyone blame the guy if he thinks the whole world is his for the marking!
The stroller that my in-laws found at a garage sale for a fabulous price came with one accessory -- mosquito netting. HAHAHAHA, I really do not know what it is for but it will be used as a bug screen. This will be great for when we go to ball games or picnics. Yes, the stroller is blue and gray and yes, we are having a girl. But for $50 you cannot complain about the color :). I have a feeling I will be saying "Thank you, we think SHE is cute too" a whole lot at the mall.
These pictures are from last weekend. It was really nice outside and we decided to take the dogs to the lake. Unlike labs Jack Russells apparently have to be convinced they like water. So Ryan takes them out and lets them swim back in. Yes, they still have to be on their leashes -- not becuase they are super awesome, fast swimmers but because once they hit the shore they are awesome, super fast runners. If we lived in Venice we would never need to keep them on a leash. :) This time of year the lake is not really that warm yet -- Ryan did say that after awhile it is not that bad (hence the reason I am not IN the pictures).
Does "nesting" count if your in-laws do it for you? Today Ryan's parents blessed us with their time and energy. Our duplex smelled like smoke (the degree of smell depends on who you ask...) so Aaron (Ryan brother) and his parents painted the living room and guest room - ALONG with cleaning doors, blinds and baseboards. The duplex smells better now and it is baby ready (if I could get my stuff together and get the nursery complete)! My life went from settled to chaos to settled (and clean) all while I put my feet up at their house (because of fumes). Did I mention they did all of this without me and Ryan was at work! What a blessing! I would have taken pictures but forgot. Other than that we are enjoying some nice evening weather and just waiting for the baby to come.